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Электронная приемная

Put the remaining fabric pieces into the foam board in the same way (see the illustration for
placement). Measure and mark lines on the foam board with the pencil as shown. And
instead of asking IKEA employees their opinion of whether that
couch would fit in the trunk of your Volkswagen Golf (it
probably won't), just measure it yourself first.
When the pilgrims first harvested crops in their new country, they held a big party to celebrate and give
thanks. Thanks to the turn of a dial in the handle, one side
of the jaws can expand or contract. 364. With some crafty cutting you can turn cardboard sheets into decorative 3D
stars. Cut jagged holes all over the sweatshirt with scissors, then turn it inside out.
Apply enough stain so it's bright in color
but not so much that it runs over the dimensional paint lines.
Select one color of paint, and paint in the parts of the picture using that color.
Using the pattern, trace and cut out 2 white felt ears, 2
pink felt inner ears, and 2 white felt paws. Trace the teeth from
the pattern, and cut them from the white felt; glue just
under the cheeks.

Corrugated box - PABRIK KARDUS

21.06.2023, 167 просмотров.

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